

Assertiveness is the ability to communicate opinions, thoughts, needs and feelings in a direct, honest and respectful way. Assertiveness involves standing up for your rights in a way that does not offend others, or deny their rights. Communicating assertively will leave others feeling they’ve been heard, that their point of view has been valued and their rights acknowledged. Assertiveness is not about being passive, aggressive or manipulative.

Passive behaviour is when we: • do not stand up for our rights • express our views in an apologetic way.

Aggressive behaviour is when we: • stand up for our rights in a way that violates the rights of others • express views inappropriately.

Manipulative behaviour is when we: • aim for a desired result by using lying or bribery (withholding friendship, for example) to enforce compliance.

  1. Listen and Empathize (3R – Repeat, Rephrase & Reflect)
  2. Use the word “however”
  3. State your views in a firm tone / Be ready to agree to disagree
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