Behaviour Therapy
Basic Ideology:
- All behaviour is learnt. It can be unlearnt and re-learn.
- Insights can occur when you execute a new behavior
- Abnormal behavior is result of faulty learning
- We are both product and producer of the environment. Behaviorism emphasizes the role of environmental factors in influencing behavior, to the near exclusion of innate or inherited factors. This amounts essentially to a focus on learning.
Your counselor/therapist might have used any one of the following techniques
1. Token Economy – Positive Reinforcement (Based on Operant Conditioning)
A token economy is a form of behavior modification designed to increase desirable behavior (based on positive reinforcement) with the use of tokens. Individuals receive tokens immediately after displaying desirable behavior from another person called as Supervisor. So undesirable behaviour slowly reduces on its own.
A token can be a form of paper or noted down in a diary by the supervisor. The tokens will be reduced in stipulated intervals.
(e.g.) When the client gets up at 6.30 AM for the first 3 days, 2 tokens will be given on each day. If he does not get up, nothing will be given. From the 4th day to 6th day, only 1 token will be given. From 7th day to 9th day, only if he gets up at 6.30 AM for 2 days, 1 token will be given. Â
The tokens are collected and later exchanged for a meaningful object or privilege most commonly money and money is given at the end of 15 days or 30 days of showing the desirable behaviour as per the plan.
The value of the token is discussed and agreed by both client and the giver of the token. The primary goal of a token economy is to increase desirable behavior and decrease undesirable behavior.
Note: This is different from Bribing (e.g. Parent telling the child “If you study well, we will buy you a cycle). Bribing might temporarily change behavior but does not teach the individual to modify their behavior for the right reasons. It can create a dependency on external rewards rather than internal motivation for change. The reward is not tapered down and the demand for the reward might increase.
Guided Imagery (Based on Observational Learning)
Guided-imagery is a psychotherapeutic method employing a client’s own internal imagery to get insights. Guided imagery requires the therapist to take an active role in guiding the client by telling a story related to the target behaviours.
Typically a therapist using this technique will provide verbal prompts to direct the focus of the imagery and help the client to observe the desirable behaviour in imagination. Guided imagery may be done after doing JPMR.
Telling an imagery with lots of specifics of having a cordial relationship with the marital partner in case of the marital issues or telling an imagery that the client has quit smoking, is able to feel the betterment etc.
Note: This is different from Guided meditation in which the same story is described in a group set up.