Cost Benefit Analysis from Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Cost Benefit Analysis from Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

It is a decision-making tool. At a time, only 2 decisions can be compared.

Option 1
Score (1-10)Negatives
Option 2
Score (1-10)Negatives

How to administer?

  • Give the above format and ask the client to write their thoughts in points
  • Ensure that the points are distinct and numbered. There may be same ideas written as different point inside one box. Please group them and make them as a single point.
  • There should not be any repetition in the positives of one and the negatives of the other logically. If so, keep it in the most appropriate box and strike out in the other box.
  • Give score of 1-10 to indicate to what extent it is positive or negative.
  • The score of Option 1 = positives of option 1 + negatives of option 2
  • The score of Option 2 = positives of option 2 + negatives of option 1
  • See whichever has got the highest score
  • If the gap between 2 scores is less than 10, client may add few points that he remembers or can do the process later after getting some more information about the 2 options.
  • Discuss each point on how to cope with the negatives of the option which has got highest score
  • Discuss each point on how to cope as the positives of the other option will be missed.
  • If the scores are equal even after providing all the latest data when deadline approaches, a coin may be tossed and a decision may be taken.
  • Only 2 options can be compared in this technique at a time. In case of 3 options to be compared, first compare any 2 options and arrive at the scores. Then take option which has the highest score and compare it with the remaining one. 
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