Relationship Counselling – Triangular Theory of Love

Relationship Counselling – Triangular Theory of Love

The first component talks about intimacy. According to the theory, it is the feeling of attachment, closeness and connectedness. The second component is the passion, the depth and intense feeling you get when you like someone. It encompasses the drive connected to both (romantic attraction) and sexual attraction. Commitment comes in to tie the two together. It is a decision to remain with one another (short term) and plans made in the future (long term).

Stages of love (Indian Extension of Triangular Theory of Love)

Stage 1: Infatuation: Love at first sight, with no knowledge about the person

Stage 2: Romantic Love: Dreaming that he/she would be with the other throughout, without his/her presence, the life is empty. Problems are avoided and not discussed in detail because it causes distress. Differences are not spoken enough.

Stage 3: Consummate Love: There is somebody who would accept me unconditionally. Problems are discussed and solved. Differences are respected.

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