Parenting /Leadership (Styles)

Parenting /Leadership (Styles)

Inferiority/ Superiority  Demanding from parent  Parent/Leader accepting the child/employee as he/she is and appreciating  Gained superiority by child/employeeParent/Leader usually engaged in their own conflicts or involved in things like alcoholism
Disciplining StrategyDictation/Commanding from the parent/leaderNegotiations between the parent and the child  Child/Employee demandingChild/Employee is given different commands each time
Perception of Faults of the Child/EmployeePin pointing faults and no help given to correct the faultsLetting children/Employee learn from their mistakes and help then and there  Seldom faults found in the child/employeeChild’s faults are used by the parent to blame the other parent
FreedomNo freedom to the childModerate freedom- Options are givenExtreme FreedomAmbiguous freedom
Punishments  Severe PunishmentPunishments are negotiated with the child/employee  No punishment at allPunishment given by the parent/leader is taken as negative stroke by the child/employee
Supervision by ParentChild/Employee under constant supervisionSupervision given whenever necessaryCareless/No SupervisionSupervision when the parent/leader find faults in the child/employee

*-Helicopter Parenting is mostly autocratic parenting/leadership.

Usually parents/leaders follow a mix of the above styles. One or the other may be predominant. Every parenting style has its own advantages and disadvantages. Contexts should be considered and parents need to choose the suitable parenting style. The perception of the children also plays a major role.

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