Transactional Analysis – Drama Triangle & Winner’s Triangle

Transactional Analysis – Drama Triangle & Winner’s Triangle

This will help clients understand when they are into any conflict with another person)

Drama Triangle (by Karpman)

  • A “Rescuer” is someone “rescues” those whom he/she sees having problems.  The trait of a Rescuer is that may offer “help” unasked, rather than find out if and how the other person wants to be supported.
  • The Rescuer takes responsibility for the perceived Victim whom he/she rescues. Rescuer may blame the victim if the help provided does not work out.
  • The Rescuer may sooner or later end up becoming the Victim. When advice/suggestion is given without being asked, the giver is perceived as Persecutor by the victim.
  • A “Victim” is someone who usually feels overwhelmed by his/her own sense of inadequacy or powerlessness, and does not take responsibility for himself/herself and therefore looks for a Rescuer to take care of them.
  • The position of “Persecutor” is synonymous with being unaware of one’s own power to empower the other person and hurts the other people intentionally or unintentionally.
  • Both by Persecutor and Rescuer, the power used is negative and often destructive and end up as a victim sooner or later.

Winner’s Triangle (By Acey Choy)

Caring & Empowering: When the Rescuer takes care and empowers the other person to take care of himself/herself.

Showing Vulnerability (Weakness): When the Victim owns his/her vulnerability and takes responsibility for himself/herself and also recognizes that he/she has the power and is able to use it appropriately and ask for appropriate help.

Being Assertive: When the Persecutor owns his/her power to convey the things in such as way it does not hurt the other person and at the same not hurting oneself.

  • Caring & Empowering: When the Rescuer takes care and empowers the other person to take care of himself/herself.
  • Showing Vulnerability (Weakness): When the Victim owns his/her vulnerability and takes responsibility for himself/herself and also recognizes that he/she has the power and is able to use it appropriately and ask for appropriate help.
  • Being Assertive: When the Persecutor owns his/her power to convey the things in such as way it does not hurt the other person and at the same not hurting oneself.
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